Das ist mx in
Gründer and Inhaber Alexander "Aki" Hemmpel
mx in ist eine Agentur für Filmmusik mit Sitz in Berlin, die sich erstmals in dieser Form nach amerikanischem Vorbild in Deutschland präsentiert.
Unser Ziel ist eine ganzheitliche Betreuung von Filmmusik-Komponisten, Sound-Designern und Musikproduzenten.

This is mx in
Founder and CEO Alexander "Aki" Hemmpel
mx in is Germany’s premiere agency for film music composers, sound designers and music producers working in an American fashion since 1997.
Our goal is to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with film music composers, sound designers and music producers. This is accomplished by establishing and maintaining contacts in the creation and placement of all genres of film music with the film and music industry in Germany and throughout the world.
Unsere Künstler
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Alle Meldungen
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"Cinepresa a cinecittà 2" © Blueskie / fotolia | "Male musician fingers playing on piano keys" © princeoflove / fotolia
"Gitarre" © studio314.de | "Alexander Hemmpel" © Patrick Schüle